Miss Debbie's mini English Lessons Vol. 4
"Its and it's
Its and it's are commonly misused. Here's why:
Normally, possessives are indicated with an apostrophe.
For example, to indicate that the book belongs to Saori, we say,
It is Saori's book.
California's criminal laws are complicated.
Its (California's) prison system is a huge industry. (No apostrophe!)
Saori's book is interesting. Its plot is very suspenseful. (No apostrophe!)
It's is a contraction. It means either it is or it has.
For example:
It is Saori's book. OR It's Saori's book. OR It's been years since I read that book. This means, It has been years since I read that book.
Golden rule:
If you can replace it's with it is or it has, then use it's. If you cannot replace it with it is or it has, then use its.