寒くも暑くもない今の季節は、ジョギング、サイクリング、ハイキング等にぴったり。カリフォルニア特有の真っ青な空のもとで運動するのも気持ちがいいし、夕日が沈むに連れて、刻々とオレンジ色に染まっていく空を見ながらの散歩もいい。少しずつ日が長くなっているなと感じる今日この頃ですが、3月第2日曜日からいよいよ夏時間 (Daylight Saving Time)がスタート。いっきに春の訪れを感じます。
<日本の鎖国に反対> IGE代表取締役・社長 平田幸司
先日、UCLAやUC Berkeleyを擁する名門大学であるカリフォルニア大学(University of California)やStanford大学など一流大学が2023年3月まで日本への留学生の派遣を中止すると発表しました。新型コロナウイルス流行に伴う日本政府の水際対策は「鎖国制度」だという批判が起こっています。私が住んでいるアメリカは、感染者数が減少傾向に転じ、人口100万人当たりの感染者数は2,274人。一方の日本は4,575人。約2倍です。(2月19日現在)ここカリフォルニアでは2月16日からマスク着用義務は解除され、小学校〜高校は対面授業が継続されています。ヨーロッパ各国も同様で、多くの国でマスク着用義務は解除されています。
その根拠として、ワクチン接種が進んでいること、感染の検査体制が整っていること、感染しても重症化しにくいことが挙げられます。ワクチンの追加接種は、日本ではまだ10%弱ですし、感染の検査に至っては、アメリカでは検査キットを無料で各家庭に配っていますが、日本では報道を見る限り、すぐに検査を受けられない状況が続いているようです。 2020年、2021年、世界はコロナに悩まされてきました。各国では、将来新しいコロナが流行ったらどうするかという分析と検証がなされてきましたが、日本は、将来に対して何も対策を講じなかったように見えます。日本はただ起きた事象に対して、旧態依然の対応(蔓延防止、その他)しかしないように見えます。事実を基にした将来への対応策や計画はほとんど感じられません。
Elena's Corner Vol. 24
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Elena Powell
How to learn more and better
Studying is hard, but we all want to pass our exams with flying colors. To help you with this goal, I have included practical tips for meaningful learning, along with several idioms related to studying. Without further ado, let’s get down to business.
1)Utilize your energy wisely.
- Approach the material you are studying as a bird’s eye view. Scan the contents of your readings first to get acquainted with major topics and the objectives of the course.
- Begin with challenging concepts. Once they are under your belt, you can go back to basics later. It makes sense to spend fresh energy on more difficult stuff.
- Study with purpose. Find out what questions you will need to answer. When you start each new chapter, seek the answers to them. Knowing the why of what you are doing makes a positive difference and motivates you too learn.
2)Manage your time productively.
- Divide your big task into portions and prioritize them by order of importance.
- Study in short intervals, meaning do a little a lot. For example, study one subject for 30 minutes and then do or study something else. Switching the focus from one thing to another will make your brain more receptive to the new information.
- Prepare a calendar. Figure out how much time you have at your disposal. Then calculate how much you need to study every month, week, and day to complete everything. This method provides reassurance that if you follow your plan, you will be on time. Feeling in control reduces anxiety. If you get behind, add what you missed to another day.
3)Let the knowledge stick in your mind.
- Putting things into context. If you want to know something backwards and forwards, apply newly learned concepts to the real-life situations. For example, if you are learning English, create in your mind or write down your own sentences using new phrases you just learned, while you are doing your daily activities.
- Make flashcards from paper or use digital apps like Quizlet that has flashcards on various topics.
- Study in groups. You don’ need to always study alone, so meet up with some classmates who are taking the same course. When you put your heads together, learning can be easier and more productive.
- Reviewing material. Repetition is the key. From time to time, go back to where you started and do a brief review. That way new information will seem clearer.
- Good sleep. Sometimes we can be such study animals that we hardly get any sleep. But sleep is very important for good health, so don’t pull an all-nighter. Ovid, a famous Roman poet, reminds us: “Take rest; the field that has rested gives a bountiful crop.”
New idioms:
to pass with flying colors - to pass with a very high grade;
without further ado - without delay; immediately;
a bird’s eye view - something as seen from above, a broader perspective or perception of something;
get acquainted with - become familiar with;
under one’s belt - complete or achieve something;
to go back to basics - to return to the beginning;
to make sense - to be logical;
at one’s disposal - available to you;
stick in your mind - to remember for a long time;
know something backwards and forwards - know something very well;
put heads together - think together;
study animal - a person who studies very hard and very often;
pull an all-nighter - to remain awake all night long