Yoshikaの英語ワンポイントレッスン Vol. 5
一つ一つは簡単な言葉だけど、組み合わさると意外な意味になる。この中でいくつ分かるかな。 言葉って奥が深い!
In all cultures, there are phrases and expressions that often have a different meaning than you would think. Here is a list of common American phrases and idioms, their meaning and the phrase used in an example.
Back Handed Compliment
- A compliment that also insults or puts down at the same time. ほめると同時にけなすこと
- EX: "They gave me a back handed compliment when they said I was smart for a girl."
Can't Get a Word in Edgewise
- Unable to break into a conversation, no pause in discussion. うまく会話に入り込めないこと
- EX: "Can you two be quiet!? I can't get a word in edgewise."
Chip on His Shoulder
- Someone has a chip on his shoulder if he holds a grudge; harbors ill feelings; quick to take offense けんか腰、不満
- EX: "Tim has had a chip on his shoulder since he was turned down from that job."
(Quit) Cold Turkey
- Immediate, complete withdrawal from something. 悪い習慣などをきっぱり止めること
- EX: "He was able to quit smoking by going cold turkey."
Egg On
- To urge/encourage someone to do something that might be suspicious, or wrong. けしかける - EX: "Johnny egged his classmates to make faces at the teacher behind her back."
Elephant in the Room
- An obvious truth that is being ignored. An actual elephant in the room would be impossible to overlook.
- EX: "The quarreling couple kept avoiding the elephant in the room: divorce."
Fly off the Handle
- To go into a rage. かっとなる、キレる 〔斧を振り上げた時に斧の頭が〕柄から抜けて飛び出すことから。
- EX: "He flew off the handle when he lost the game."
For Pete's Sake
- Meaning: I am frustrated with this situation. お願いだから、頼むから、なんてこった、とんでもない、全くもう!
- EX: "Oh for pete's sake, can you get a move on!?"
Get the Gist
- To understand the basics; the fundamentals. 要点を理解する
- EX: "I get the gist of the homework assignment, but I will speak to the teacher for further instructions."
In a Nutshell
- In a few words, or briefly explained; to make a long story short. 一言で(簡単に)言えば、
- EX: "Why write a long article when you can say it in a nutshell?"