特別記事 <現地レポート> 重度の障害を持ちながら再度の留学に挑戦!
Yoshikaの英語ワンポイントレッスン Vol. 8
アメリカでは、クラスで、お店で、ちょっとした顔見知りや全く初対面の人とも、気軽に挨拶したり、簡単な会話を交わします。散歩ですれ違う見知らぬ人にも、笑顔で"Hi"。(日本では、変なヤツと思われそうで、できない?)笑顔や挨拶、"Small Talk"は、人間関係をスムースにする優れものツール。簡単でしかもタダ。どんどん使いましょう!そこから、○○が芽生えるかも?
Learning any foreign language can be difficult especially when you are not living in that foreign country. Many languages are created over the years in a given society to create slang terms or idioms. The following are a compilation of common American expressions and conversation pieces you may not learn through an English language program.
- When encountering or greeting your peer, an American might ask you: "What’s up?" It is a casual way of saying "how are you?", "how's it going" and "what's going on?" You can answer literally or with another question. For example:
- Answer: "Nothing much, what's going on with you?"
- Answer: "Hey, I'm good. How are you?"
- Answer: "It's going good, thanks. How about you?"
- Answer to "how's it going": Not too bad, and you?
- When encountering or greeting your peer, an American might ask you: "What’s up?" It is a casual way of saying "how are you?", "how's it going" and "what's going on?" You can answer literally or with another question. For example:
- "Take it easy" = similar to "take care"
- "See ya later" or simply "see ya" = see you later
- "Good to see you, bye!"
- Small Talk: light informal conversation for social occasions; also known as "chit chat." Small talk is used in passing, in a social setting. It is also used as an "icebreaker" = an introduction with someone in order to reduce tension or nervousness. You may want to use small talk if you are at a party in order to break the ice with people you do not know. Here are some common ice breakers to strike up (commence) small talk:
- What are you drinking?
- How do you know the host?
- Do you go to school?
- What do you do for work?
- On the telephone: Please note that when Americans are ending a conversation, they say "bye" before hanging up the phone. In Japan, conversations on the phone do not have a finale; it's simply "domo."
- A great website for common American slang terms can be found here (hyperlink to: http://www.urbandictionary.com/