1) |
Agriculture: Ensures American's food are safe to ear and regulates farming. |
2) |
Commerce: Regulates trade, banking, economy. Agencies include Census Bureau and Patent and Trademark. |
3) |
Defense: Includes U.S. Armed Forces, protects nations security and headquartered at Pentagon. |
4) |
Education: Responsible for ensuring equal access to a quality education for all. |
5) |
Energy: Regulates energy, ensuring security of power lines; promotes new technology. |
6) |
Health: Keeps Americans healthy. Agencies include Food and Drug Administration, Centers for Disease Control, National Institutes of Health, and Administration on Aging. |
7) |
Homeland Security: Prevents terrorist attacks in U.S. Created after 9/11. Includes Immigration and Naturalization Service. |
8) |
Housing: Promotes affordable home-ownership and ensures against discrimination in pursuit of that goal. |
9) |
Interior: Protects and nurtures natural resources, national parks and wildlife. Includes Fish and Wildlife Affairs and Bureau of Indian Affairs. |
10) |
Justice: Led by the Attorney General, enforces nations laws and includes FBI, DEA, and Federal Bureau of Prisons. |
11) |
Labor: Enforces labor laws and keeps workers safety and rights protected. |
12) |
State Dept: Charged with diplomacy; its representatives reflect the U.S. as part of the world community. |
13) |
Transportation: establishes the interstate highway system and keeps the U.S. transportation infrastructure safe and functioning. |
14) |
Treasury: Ensures the country's financial and economic stability; collects taxes. |
15) |
Veterans: Provides medical care for wounded; administers benefits to veterans. |