Articles are very difficult to master not only for Japanese speaking people, but also for most people of virtually any language backgrounds around the world. Many languages do not have articles at all, and for those that do, they are often used very differently. On top of that, there are roughly 36 article rules. Ha! So let’s break this down. This month, I want you to focus on cities, countries, and continents.
Here are the rules:
1. Don’t use the with cities.
I would like to go to Paris, London, and Dublin someday.
2. Don’t use the with countries.
Have you ever been to Vietnam, Cambodia, or Thailand?
When the country consists of several islands, use the.
The Bahamas, the Philippines, and the Solomon Islands are all countries that consist of several islands.
When a country has "United," "Union," or Republic in the name, use the.
The United States and the Soviet Union were the major players in the Cold War.
3. Don’t use the with continents.
Africa, Asia, North America, and South America are continents.
When you are talking about cities, countries and continents, pay attention to when you should use the, and when you shouldn’t. Another way to help you learn this is: Next time you read an article, notice when the is used and when it isn’t with cities, countries, and continents. Enjoy!