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Thank you cupcakes 初夏の候となりました。新型コロナウィルスの感染に注意を払いながらも、少しずつ経済活動が再開され、新しい日常 New Normalが始まっています。皆様、如何お過ごしでしょうか?自他の健康と安全を第一に行動しつつ、カリフォルニアの良い天気を楽しみたいと思います。

≫ スタッフ記事 <新しい卒業式のカタチ〜Class of 2020> IGEアメリカ 平田貞美

main 1 例年なら、5月〜6月は、卒業式のシーズン。ただし、今年は、新型コロナウィルスの感染拡大に伴う外出禁止で、学校のキャンパスは閉鎖。大人数の集会も禁止。でも、皆が卒業を祝う気持ちは変わりません。一同に会しての式は行えなくても、Social Distancingを守りつつ、様々な創意工夫で、卒業を祝っています。

孫のNathanは小学校を卒業。今年は、卒業証書だけでなく、家の外に置くサインをもらいました。校名と氏名、そして卒業年度のClass of 2020と書かれています。家の前を通る人達にも、ここに卒業生がいるのだと分かって、おめでとう!と声をかけてもらっています。我が家の近所にも、他校の卒業生が居て、家の前にサインを立てています。

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また、オバマ前大統領は、2020年の全ての卒業生に向けて、オンラインでメッセージを送りました。 時にユーモアを交えながら、学生に寄り添ったスピーチでした。それでなくても様々なプレッシャーがある上に、パンデミックという事態に遭遇した世代を待ち受ける困難さを思いやりながらも、今までの古いやり方は通用しない。大人たちも、これからどうしたらいいのか、答えを持っているわけではない。世界が良くなるかどうかは、君たち次第だと語りかけました。そして、最後に3つのアドバイス。

    1つ目は、don’t be afraid 恐れるな。アメリカは困難に出会う度に強くなった。それは、若者が過去の過ちから学び、改善する方法を見出したから。
    2つ目は、do what you think is right 自分が正しいと思うことをしなさい。気持ちがいいから、便利だから、簡単だからではなく。
    3つ目は、build a community 一人で大きなことをやり遂げた人はいません。お互いの苦しみを分かち合い、権利を尊重し、力を合わせて一緒に問題を克服しなくてはならない。

Obama’s Virtual Commencement Speech To Class of 2020: “This Is Your Generation’s World to Shape”

» Elena's Corner Vol. 15
Elena Powell

Elena Powell

Coping with Change
"It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change." ~Charles Darwin

Just several months ago, we had no idea how suddenly our lives would turn upside down. The outbreak of coronavirus drastically shook things up for all the people on the planet. Life is full of minor and major changes, such as graduating high school, moving to another city, getting a new pet, losing a job, changing a hairstyle, or breaking up with someone. But we were taken aback by this kind of unprecedented change that happened out of the blue. Now we need to break new ground in coping with this strange situation, as it is brand new to us. Yes, life has dealt us a serious blow. Many people fell victim to Covid-19, the economy went down in flames, and people suffer from anxiety. Yes, we are stuck at home, we are feeling blue, and we cannot enjoy the things we used to do. But maybe we found ourselves at the crossroads of a beneficial transformation. It is how we look at things. At least for a moment, we need to set aside our emotions and put things in perspective. We all can work something out even in this challenging time and make the most out of the situation. We just need to learn how to cope with this new challenge and make a fresh plan. M.J.Ryan, the author of the book How to Survive the Change ...You Didn't Ask For, suggests practicing adaptability, which means being able to adjust to new conditions. She recommends approaching change through several steps, which include accepting the change, figuring out new options, taking action to fulfill them, and modifying these options if necessary. Perhaps, this exercise of re-evaluating our circumstances will reveal them as a blessing in disguise, and maybe we will learn not to take things for granted. Now it is our chance to turn over a new leaf.

The meanings of the new idioms:

  • to turn upside down - put in disorder
  • to shake things up - to make signficant changes
  • to be taken aback - not to expect something to happen
  • out of the blue - suddenly
  • to break new ground - to do something differently
  • to deal someone a blow - to hit someone hard, to cause harm
  • to go down in flames - fail greatly
  • to feel blue - to feel sad
  • at the crossroads - at the point where you must make a choice
  • to put things in perspective - to clarify something, to understand clearly
  • to work something out - resolve the situation, improve things
  • to make the most out of something - use something smartly
  • a blessing in disguise - something that seemed bad at first, but later turned out to be good
  • to take something for granted - not to appreciate something
  • to turn over a new leaf - to begin to behave in a more responsible manner

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